Tune into our live broadcast on Sundays at 10:30am to experience Hope Church!
Alpha is a course designed to inspire connection with others while exploring the basics of the Christian faith. The course explores different questions related to the faith, while encouraging meaningful conversation and communitity.
Alpha will be kicking off on March 4th at 6pm in the Hope Barn with dinner provided. All are welcome, so please invite your friends who are wanting to dive deeper into their faith. If you have any questions or to RSVP, please reach out to Troy.
Each week during construction we will share an update on our Building Hope adventure and an inspirational word from the Bible!
The pictures and stories in this year’s “Hope Is Rising” brochure celebrate the journeys of precious people who have seen hope rising in their hearts in 2024. These stories remind us what is at the center of our mission--bringing the Hope of Jesus to new generations of new people in new places!
We are so grateful for your investment in the lives of others, for your living prayers and for your support for God’s mission through Hope, so more and more precious people of all generations can experience the incredible love of Jesus Christ.
We pray that these stories and images will inspire you to remember how great and faithful is our Lord and how we can trust the Lord with our lives, our families and our future!
May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. (Ephesians 3:19)
10:30 AM Service
Children’s Ministry available for infants - 4th grade
Hope Youth Jr. High available for 5th - 8th grade
Join us for our Hope Family picnic after service every 1st Sunday of the month